Premiere Live Performance
FEAST: a ballet
March 25th, 2022 7:30pm
Performed alongside Vivarta-Tranformations
Presented by Cuyahoga Community College
An evening of dance reveals human desires in conflict with each other and the Natural world

The Performance
In five distinct movements, FEAST: a ballet combines ornate imagery, playful storytelling, and powerful movement to explore the disturbing history of colonial exploitation and its effects on the world we live in.
Immersed in a lavish set of over 500 sculptural and store-bought objects, FEAST follows a corps de ballet of dancers as they navigate a world of contradictions: ruler and ruled; giver and taker; consumer and consumed; complicity and resistance.
Trapped in a seemingly unbreakable cycle of one-upmanship, the dancers begin to learn the true cost of coming out on top.
With choreography that juxtaposes humor and struggle, FEAST: a ballet deconstructs these complex themes and tells an easy to follow story of how it was, how it is, and how it can be.

Ornate imagery, playful storytelling, and powerful movement
FEAST: a ballet is a production of the Creative Destruction Collective and Wasted Talent Media. A true mixed-media collaboration, this new 32-minute ballet seamlessly integrates dance, art, history, and film. Visual artist Corrie Slawson and choreographers Christina Lindhout and Kelly Korfhage immerse dancers into the artwork to convey the complex narratives of seven commodities: Beef, Bananas, Coffee, Sugar, Minerals, Rubber, and Timber . With special expertise by Dr. Dalindyebo Shabalala and Marc Lefkowitz, the Collective tells the story of hidden supply chains and the pleasure and pain it produces.